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10th Oct 2019 - Mercy Associates Annual Mass & Dinner


When it comes to celebrating – in the words of the song – ‘Nobody does it better’ than the Mercy Associates led by Srs. Bridie and Betty, at Coolock, Newcastle!

And Thursday, 8th. of October was no exception.

The Members of the Mercy Associates gathered at Holy Trinity Church, Newcastle-under-Lyme to take part in the celebration of Mass, where we prayed for all Associates, living and dead. Foremost in many of our thoughts, was Margaret Hewetson, a longstanding Associate, who died very suddenly in Lourdes in July. Fr. Simon preached about Our Lady, inspiring us to keep her close to us always, and especially during this month of October.

We were reminded of Pope Francis’ exhortation to us to care for our Earth by Sr, Bridie’s beautiful display of the fruits of the Harvest which was placed in front of the altar.

Following Mass, we all moved next door to the Parish Centre, where we were met with a welcome glass of wine, before we tucked into a delicious meal, provided by Ann and her team. There was a happy buzz of conversation as the group of Associates gathered, the ‘afternoon’ and the ‘evening’ groups renewing acquaintances, meeting old and new friends, and recounting stories of events since the last meeting.

As a relative ‘new comer’ to the Mercy Associates, I always find such a warmth and friendship at the monthly meetings, which enhances the spiritual nourishment provided by Srs. Bridie and Betty. On a personal note, I really appreciated this warmth and feeling of ‘family’ by the many members who came to offer care and concern to my brother, Noel, following the death of Margaret.

I look forward – as always – to our next meetings.

Article kindly provided by Ann Hewetson



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