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15th Mar 2022 - News from Alnwick Associates

Things are not like they used to be, of course they are not, when we had Sister Bridget and all the sisters in the convent. How we miss them!

We are still Mercy Associates in Alnwick and even though we have no hall to meet in we do meet up every Sunday at Mass and continue our mercy work in the parish. Catherine Mc Auley is our guiding light in our work.

We have a wonderful Parish Priest; Fr. Stephen and he keeps us all spiritually fed by his beautiful reflections on the Gospels. A lot of decoration and development is going on in the Church and parish hall, but Fr. Stephen never complains and gets on with his work on a trestle table.!! We could all learn a lot from him.

Sandra celebrates a special birthday on Friday and PG, her family and friends will celebrate with her. Happy Birthday Sandra from all your friends.



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