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18th Aug 2021 - A Sad Day for Filey Mercy Associates

On Tuesday 3rd August at 2pm Filey Mercy Associates met for their first meeting together since lockdown. It was a mixture of happiness at being able to meet together again but tinged with sadness as the Mercy Convent in Filey is to close. The sisters are due to leave on Tuesday next.

After prayers for the Church, an increase in Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life we said a decade of the Rosary of Light. Evening Prayer was said in Chapel then it was tea time . The Raffle and the sale of cards painted by Sr. Zita raised £128 for Aid to the Church in Need.

The group hopes to continue to meet from time to time for prayer and to raise awareness of the Mercy way of life.

Break time. Sisters Zita Griffin & Anne O ‘ Donavon

Sister Helen provided Evening Prayer.

Sister Hilary joined us for tea.

We thank the Sisters for their work in the Parish and wish them good health in the next part of their journey.



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