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4th Oct 2021 - Coolock Mercy Associates Meet

Coolock Associates meet on the feast of Padre Pio - 23rd September 2021

The theme was The Open Door.

In the focus was a model of Baggot Street Door, Christ the Light of the world, a painting of Saint Padre Pio and Our Lady of Mercy Statue.

In the foreground were 3 baskets containing keys.

The focus was used in the reflection.

What does the door of our heart look like ?

Is it transparent ?

Can people look through it and find authenticity there ?

The door might be heavy wood keeping someone out who needs a welcome, or it could signify strength to live the courage of one’s convictions. The door might be flexible allowing plenty of space to welcome new growth. It could be an opaque door. No one can see inside. The door of another heart might be a thin glass one needing to be carefully opened. The door might be locked in case someone might enter and be shocked by what they found or may be not found.


After we reflected on what kind of door most symbolises the door of our heart, we took some time to meditate. We invited Jesus to come and open the door of our heart we welcomed Him inside and spent some quiet time in conversation with Him. We remained in silent prayer.

To conclude everyone was given a key to symbolise the Open Door of our hearts.

The Suscipe was sung and we all made our way to the dining room where we enjoyed a good cup of tea and cakes. It was the diamond jubilee of 2 of our Associates John and Anne Bengry and they had a special celebration cake which they shared with everyone.



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