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21st Aug 2021 - Whitstable Mercy Associates Meet Again

Updated: Aug 23, 2021

Kay Richards writes…

I have some news from us Whitstable Mercy Associates which we'd like to share with you.

Firstly though, thank you so much for sending the monthly Prayer and Sr. Assumpta's encouraging and moving reflections. I have been taking them round to our members without email and forwarding them to those who do. This has given me a good reason for being in contact, mostly by phone, with our group and made me feel connected to people who have become dear to me.

Whitstable Mercy Associates met for the first time since February 2020 on Monday 16th August to talk about our future and how we can be useful to the Mercy Missions and to the Sisters. Before lockdown, our Lunch Club was doing well with Lesley managing our kitchen 'staff' and Jennifer organising the guests/lifts/helpers. We were aware though that many helpers and we ourselves were becoming less able and wondered how long we would be able to run our 'work'. Now we find that Covid has brought forward this situation.

The Social Centre that we use is due to be demolished at some point in the New Year, so we’re on the lookout another venue. More importantly, we have lost some of our people, including Jennifer, who is now looking after our retired Parish Priest, Fr Kevin, as well as retaining some of her Church duties. Marian and Shirley for health reasons are not able to help physically now, though remaining highly valued members at our MA meetings. Our treasurer, Yvonne and our chairperson, Anna (who is now suffering from a disabling illness) are not going to be involved in the Lunch Club now. The last two were also giving lifts until March 2020. Without Jennifer and Yvonne, it doesn't seem likely that we can take on the responsibility for running the Lunch Club.

Sadly, this would mean that we wouldn’t be able to fundraise as much as we have done for the Mercy missions. We are hoping to continue our Mercy Associate meetings, praying for you all and the missions and supporting each other. We would appreciate your prayers very much and any advice you have for us.

With love and prayers for you all

Kay Richards

Link person for Whitstable Mercy Associates.



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